Lynwood Unified seniors are just hours away from graduating, but that didn’t stop them from wanting to inspire the next generation of leaders as they visited their former elementary schools and walked through their halls one last time.
Donning their caps and gowns, seniors from Vista, Lynwood and Firebaugh high schools last week walked through the campuses of nearby schools – including Rosa Parks, Helen Keller, Wilson, Lindbergh, Abbott, Washington and Will Rogers elementary schools and Hosler Middle School – reflecting on the past, while giving younger students a chance to look ahead.
During the Senior Grad Walk, the Classes of 2023 walked through tunnels of students, who held signs, gave high-fives and congratulated the scholars on their accomplishments. Seniors also thanked former teachers and administrators for making a positive impact.
This year, Lynwood Unified will live-stream high school graduation ceremonies on the LynwoodTV YouTube channel as follows: